Maintaining a thriving business community is a top priority for the City of Glendale. For this reason, we are committed to assisting in the success of our businesses. To achieve this goal, the City has developed a plan to promote, assist, retain and attract quality business. Our programs target businesses both large and small.
The hallmark of Glendale's economic development success is its concierge-level customer service. All businesses, from mom-and-pop shops to major corporations, receive one-on-one assistance from our seasoned project managers. This concierge service culture has earned Glendale a priceless competitive advantage in business attraction.
Pre-inspection is a popular service offered by our team. Any property owner, broker or prospective tenant can request a pre-inspection of property systems. The pre-inspection offers an advance expert look at a property. This can help parties formulate business terms well in advance of any hard-money negotiation.
Site Selection
Centrally located just north of Downtown Los Angeles, Glendale is one of the most convenient locations in the region. The Economic Development team utilizes customized data to assist businesses looking for sites in Glendale. City staff escorts prospective companies on neighborhood tours and arranges property visits with brokers and landlords. Search for properties
currently on the market.
Marketing &
Social Media
Glendale maintains an active marketing and social media presence. Marketing brochures and data analysis are provided to the business community for their use in attracting and retaining customers. The City utilizes Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @ChooseGlendale to create a buzz about the latest news and trends in #MyGlendale.
The Economic Development team maintains a two-way dialogue with businesses that could prosper in the Glendale market area. The team also conducts canvassing visits in competing trade areas to keep abreast of hot concepts and to develop leads.
Through the City's regional Verdugo Jobs Center (VJC), Economic Development staff assists with mass recruitment and layoff aversion projects. This partnership has resulted in expedited staffing for hundreds of new retail and industrial jobs.